Share your ideas for making Disha Pages better

We are working on that feature for Version 2 of Disha Pages. Thank you :hugs:

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Definitely need extra page for upsell :unamused:

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We’re looking into that at the moment.

I would like to be able to add new content block in place any where in the list not just at the bottom.

I would like to be add able to add social links next to my profile photo. so for example maybe add extra text boxes to add facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedIn, github and email.

This has been resolved here Can't add social links next to profile image

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That be amazing because right now I have my projects at the bottom it would be great to have them on there own page so I don’t have to add blocks and have to drag them all way back to top if I add new things.

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It would be great if it was possible to add images of different sizes I have a lot projects with images that are wide right now they getting cut off because they don’t fit in small boxes.

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We have taken note of this and will provide this feature in the next version due in a few weeks

Hey Team, Great work. Can we get a pop up notification bar for subscribers. In the event that we need to get people to sign up for our newsletter or something of that sort?

Adding telegram link feature to your social link options? A lot of community groups forming on their now. Thanks

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I’m new here and I’d love to get a Discord and Twitch icon.

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Thank you :slight_smile:
We will look into that.

I’ve been creating tutorials with AMP Stories using I know I’ve come across many sites now with AMP Stories in them. Websites rank at the top of google when they have amp stories embedded in the site.

With Disha’s UI I think AMP Stories would be a great feature.

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Multilingual - Languages options for visitors of the url
Hi, great product!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

We’re in love with it.

It’d be greater if it could have a multilingual option (Where you could translate the defaults of the pages that not even us can) or just allow us to add it ourselves, plus we could translate our bio and links or information. And when our visitors click there, it reads their device’s language and shows them the one we have for them. In our case, it would be Spanish - English

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Thank you Coach Ryan :blush:

We will look into it.

Sure! We are currently looking into it. Thank you for your feedback.

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Can we have a blog page?
Thank you…

Hello @clementoyinlola thanks for the feedback. We are working on a new feature to help people showcase their latest posts from Medium and Wordpress.

Hi Disha team. Where is the account deletion option? Please mark it clearly in the account section. Meanwhile, do let me know what the current procedure is, thanks.